
It's me! Rob!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Here is a guy on the PGA that you probably don't know. His name is YE Yang. I'm sure you want to know what YE stands for but I'll be damned if I can pronounce it, much less spell it. He is my dark horse calcutta pick for the Masters and cost us $40. My big $ pick was Ernie Els, who happened to implode #18 yesterday at Augusta, dropping two strokes to finish at -1. My dark horse is at -5.

Your next question I'm sure is "what the hell is a calcutta"? Let me explain. 50 drunk guys sit in the bar at the club. All of the drunk guys start bidding real money on who will win the tournament. The highest bid gets to pick the first person that the high bidder believes will win. Usually it is an obvious bid for Tiger. Last year he was the first choice at $460. This year he was again the first choice but at a much discounted $360. I'm guessing that he wasn't as expensive because of the economy. NOT! I think it had more to do with his new lack of "ball striking" with his mistresses.

I believe that the total pot in the calcutta is around $5,000. It pays something like 25% to the winner, 18% for 2nd place, 14%, then 10%, 8% and 5% to each of the final top ten finishers. If you spend a lot for a player, he better finish in the top 3 or you lose money. Ernie Els cost $340 so he better play better today! We also landed Dustin Johnson $140 (Ron's overpaid pick at -1), Ben Crane $40 (Ernie's pick at even par), Matt Kuchar $60 (my second dark horse at -2), Ryan Palmer $30 (Ernie at even par) and Heath Slocum $20 (Ernie pick at even par).

I'm wondering after the first round if I should have landed Tiger. He looked pretty good on the course and made some amazing shots. Of course he will get all of the TV time when he plays so he is always a good one to buy. Phil Mickelson may have been a better choice for our big money guy but Els has been playing very well and lefty hasn't been making any putts this season. I'm a little worried about Els because he typically doesn't play well at the masters. How about the older guys? Will Couple's repeat? Will Watson show up again today? If it wasn't about the calcutta $, I'd be rooting for Freddie! However, I picked my team, now I have to go with them.

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