
It's me! Rob!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Fanny Pack Mayhem!

About a month ago, I learned that fanny packs are in use by A LOT of runners. I was attending a St. Patrick's Day race that my wife runs on Tip Hill in Syracuse every year now. My brother and I were of course enjoying delicious Irish beer on the deck of Coleman's Pub watching all of the tools run by in the race. I would guess approximately half of the field carried stuff in fanny packs. If you are wondering what a fanny pack is, this lovely gent is wearing one to cover up his Speedo.

Being a man and all, I wouldn't be caught in my coffin with one of these on (including the Speedo). However, our party after the run involved copious amounts of drinking and I had the opportunity to try one out. My new friend Norine wore one at the race and took a lot of heat from many of us about it. I snuck her fanny pack and put it on, running around the house like a fool. I think I got my picture taken but I hope not. If you are gonna wear a fanny pack, wear one like my golf partner Ron here in the lower right picture.

Notice Ron's first van behind him. It looks like a 1977 Volkswagon hippie ride. Seriously, that's not Ron but if he had a dream this would be it! I also found a very funny blog about fanny packs if you want a good laugh. It has a bunch of these silly pictures on the blog so some of you should check it out.

I have one last word on fanny packs. Norine, please purchase a fanny pack that we can't tell is a fanny pack. You will reduce your geekiness forever! Here is one that I picked out for you. You can even wear it at golf since it is such an awesome fashion statement! I hope you like it because it is what you are getting for your birthday from me!

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