
It's me! Rob!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Are you really a democrat?

I'm going to post a real blog on politics. Let's say I have a friend/family member or two that vote democrat every time. Let's say that they have NO CLUE what they are doing. Let's say that they vote democrat because (a) they are wanna be hippies, (b) are real hippies that are now old and smelly, (c) pretend that they really care about people and think government can help with that, (d) or aren't racist, fascist, hater, tea bagger, retarded people (sarc.).

Let's say that they always report that the racist hater conservative neo-whatevers are always threatening Americans, American values and PEACE. Wasn't that the story with the 60's man? Aren't we all peace love and group sex man? Isn't life about PEACEFUL protest man? Isn't my love bus gassed and ready for a cross country trip man?

In reality, I am starting to read a lot more about the tea party group being a bunch of haters and violent protesters. I haven't seen many stories about actual arrests and such of these poor old grannies and grampies who want the 50's back. I must say I am reading a lot of stories about the old hippie haters coming out of the woodwork threatening to kill people like they did in the old days. Let's take this old goofy hippie hater and tell the story. Pidrman gave $250 to Hillary’s campaign in 2008. He threatened to kill a GOP representative and made the papers.

How about the couple on the right? Let's beat the shit out of them and break a woman's leg for being at a republican planning meeting in New Orleans! That's peace and love man! How about knock out his teeth, give him a concussion and yell derogatory terminology at them? Sounds like the 60's right man? Here's something more from the "democrats" in New Orleans to chew on...

…There was also an eight-page brochure the group put together that did not appear on the Facebook event page for the protest (since removed – there were 209 people who had RSVP’ed for the event and from that roster we found Mauch and Dubinsky), and that brochure was much more ominous. It listed several “Points of Unity,” among them being:

- The SRLC is not welcome in NOLA without a fuss
- Recognize healthcare as a basic human right
- Oppose police oppression, the prison-industrial complex, and the dominant culture of militarism
- Recognize the need for active resistance to confront all forms of oppression, respecting a diversity of tactics

The brochure also contained a map of the five hotels at which SRLC delegates were primarily staying, which is extremely disturbing.

Last but not least, a recent protester at a tea party event was identified as nobody more than a "democrat". One was identified as John Durajczyk, the Secretary of the St. Charles County Democratic Committee. John Durajczyk’s infiltrator pal, identified as Steve Belosi, attacked an elderly woman at the rally until she started to cry. Maybe I shouldn't believe NBC, CBS, ABC or CNN anymore when they tell me it was a "teabagger". Maybe I should actually look around to find the truth. I ain't no tea party member but I sure am looking at everything with a skeptical eye lately. I wish my friends and family would all do the same!

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