
It's me! Rob!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Man Burgers and a Scary Movie

There is only one manly way to make a burger. It must be beef, at least 80/20. No lean beef. It must have caramelized onion, condiments, have a toasted bun and lastly, be accompanied by a beer. If you cook it on a grill, make it all in a heavy, hot skillet. I didn't use one today because my wife wont let me spring $100 for a good one. Screw it, Ill buy one anyway and post it here someday. She won't ever know (Paypal rocks) hahaha.

For those who don't know me, I'm on a diet. Being fat and 42 doesn't help. My wife used to needle me all night to make me stop snoring. I figured "hey, I better get some sleep, or I'll be dead by 45". In addition to that line of thinking, my wife dieted and started running with my sister-in-law. After having our daughter, she got hot and thin quick, and I went the other way quicker. Ridicule from the wife is a bad thing. A real man won't let that happen. Anyway, I have done well so far. That doesn't explain the burger does it? Whatever, I'll do better tomorrow. That is man thinking.

J (my wife) and I watched a damned scary movie last night. I would rate it as one of my top 3 scariest movies of all time. Paranormal Activity. I literally had goosebumps throughout the entire movie. I love those demonic possession movies. When I went to bed, I kept thinking that I heard things walking around the house and lights turning on and off. I was ready to sleep with a Smith and Wesson on the chest!

My list of scariest movies of all time:
#1 of all time is The Exorcist of course. Read the book though, it's way better than the movie.
#2 has to now be Paranormal Activity.
#3 is Poltergeist.
#4 has to be The Shining.
#5 is probably Amityville Horror.
Arguments can be made for some of the classics like Wolfman an Dracula which scared the living crap out of me as a kid. Now they just seem lame.

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